The story is set in a dystopian future where mutants are being hunted by Sentinel robots. The Sentinels are virtually indestructible and have nearly wiped out both mutants and humans who support them. In a last-ditch effort to save both species, Professor Charles Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart) and Magneto (played by Ian McKellen) devise a plan to send Wolverine’s (played by Hugh Jackman) consciousness back in time to 1973.
In the past, Wolverine must find the younger versions of Professor X (played by James McAvoy) and Magneto (played by Michael Fassbender) to prevent a cataclysmic event that will lead to the creation of the Sentinels. The event involves Mystique (played by Jennifer Lawrence), who is planning to assassinate Dr. Bolivar Trask (played by Peter Dinklage), the scientist responsible for creating the Sentinel program.
Wolverine faces challenges in convincing the younger versions of Xavier and Magneto to work together. The movie explores themes of redemption, friendship, and the consequences of one’s actions. As the characters confront their past mistakes and conflicts, they must prevent the impending disaster.
In the climax, a tense confrontation takes place in 1973 at the Paris Peace Accords. The fate of mutants and humans hangs in the balance as Mystique has the opportunity to change the course of history. The younger Professor X and Magneto put aside their differences to stop her.
Ultimately, the timeline is altered, and a new, brighter future is created where the Sentinel program is never initiated. The film ends with Wolverine waking up in a changed future, where many of the events from the previous X-Men films have been erased or altered.
“X-Men: Days of Future Past” received positive reviews for its complex storyline, strong performances, and the successful integration of characters from the original X-Men trilogy and the prequel series. The film effectively bridged the two timelines within the X-Men cinematic universe.