The movie follows the story of three young backpackers – Liz (played by Cassandra Magrath), Kristy (played by Kestie Morassi), and Ben (played by Nathan Phillips) – who are traveling through the Australian Outback. They encounter Mick Taylor (played by John Jarratt), a seemingly friendly and helpful local who offers to help them when their car breaks down near the remote Wolf Creek crater.
However, their trust in Mick quickly turns to terror when he reveals his true intentions and captures them, subjecting them to a series of sadistic and torturous acts. The backpackers must fight for their lives as they try to escape from Mick’s clutches and survive in the unforgiving Outback.
In the climax of the film, Liz manages to escape from Mick’s captivity and flees into the wilderness, determined to survive and seek help. She encounters other victims of Mick’s brutality along the way, including a British tourist named Paul (played by Paul Ashcroft), who has been tortured and left for dead.
As Liz struggles to stay alive and evade Mick’s relentless pursuit, she discovers the horrifying truth about his motives and the extent of his depravity. With the help of her survival instincts and resourcefulness, Liz outwits Mick and manages to incapacitate him, leaving him for dead in the desert.
The film concludes with Liz being rescued by a passing motorist and taken to safety, but she is haunted by the memories of her ordeal and the friends she lost to Mick’s brutality. Meanwhile, Mick remains at large, his fate uncertain as he continues to roam the Outback in search of new victims.
Overall, “Wolf Creek” is a harrowing and intense horror film that explores the darkness lurking in the vast and desolate Australian Outback. With its realistic portrayal of violence and its chilling depiction of a sadistic killer, it offers a terrifying movie experience that lingers long after the credits roll.