The film follows the story of Jill Johnson (played by Camilla Belle), a teenage babysitter who is terrorized by a mysterious stranger while watching the children of a wealthy family in a remote mansion. The film opens with Jill receiving a series of threatening phone calls from an unidentified caller while babysitting for the Mandrakis family.
As the night progresses, the calls become increasingly menacing, and Jill grows increasingly frightened. She contacts the police, who trace the calls and inform her that they are coming from inside the house. Jill manages to escape just as the police arrive, and the stranger is apprehended.
The film then jumps forward several years, where Jill is now a college student trying to move on from the traumatic events of that night. However, she is haunted by the memory of the stranger’s voice and the fear of what might have happened if she hadn’t escaped.
Jill’s life is further complicated when she receives news that the stranger, who was arrested and convicted for his crimes, has escaped from a psychiatric hospital. She becomes convinced that he is coming after her and seeks the help of a private investigator named Turner (played by Brian Geraghty) to protect herself.
As Jill’s paranoia grows, she begins to question her own sanity and the reality of the threats she is facing. She becomes increasingly isolated and distrustful of those around her, including her boyfriend, Bobby (played by David Denman), and her best friend, Tiffany (played by Katie Cassidy).
In a series of tense and suspenseful sequences, Jill is stalked by the stranger, who taunts her with phone calls and menacing messages. She must confront her fears and summon all of her courage to outsmart the stranger and protect herself from harm.
In a climactic showdown, Jill comes face to face with the stranger and manages to overcome him, ultimately surviving the ordeal. The film ends with Jill reclaiming her life and finding closure, but the experience leaves her forever changed and haunted by the memory of that fateful night.
Overall, “When a Stranger Calls” is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats with its tense atmosphere and shocking twists. With its strong performances, atmospheric direction, and relentless pacing, it’s a film that delivers thrills and chills from start to finish.