The film centers around biker Cary Ford (played by Martin Henderson), who returns to his hometown in California to confront a dangerous motorcycle gang led by Henry James (played by Matt Schulze). Cary discovers that the gang blames him for the disappearance of their drugs, which were hidden in a shipment of motorcycles he was transporting.
As Cary tries to clear his name and escape the gang’s wrath, he becomes embroiled in a high-speed game of cat and mouse. Along the way, he reunites with his ex-girlfriend Shane (played by Monet Mazur), who is now dating Trey (played by Ice Cube), the leader of a rival motorcycle gang.
As tensions escalate between the two gangs, Cary races against time to uncover the truth behind the missing drugs and prove his innocence. Along the way, he engages in adrenaline-fueled motorcycle chases and confrontations, including a climactic showdown with Henry James aboard a speeding train.
In the end, Cary exposes Henry James’ criminal activities and clears his name, earning the respect of his friends and allies. With the gangs disbanded and justice served, Cary and Shane ride off into the sunset together, leaving their troubled past behind them.
“Torque” is a high-octane action film filled with fast-paced motorcycle stunts, explosive set pieces, and intense chase sequences. While the film received mixed reviews from critics, it has gained a cult following among fans of adrenaline-fueled action cinema for its over-the-top style and thrilling stunt work.