The story revolves around the Smurfs, small blue creatures who live in a magical village. The evil wizard Gargamel (played by Hank Azaria) creates his own set of Smurf-like creatures called the NaughtiesÑNaughtette (played by Christina Ricci) and Vexy (voiced by Christina Ricci). Gargamel uses a magical formula to turn the Naughties into real Smurfs, hoping to extract Smurf essence to become the most powerful wizard.
When Smurfette (voiced by Katy Perry) is kidnapped by the Naughties, the Smurfs, along with their human friends Patrick (played by Neil Patrick Harris) and Grace Winslow (played by Jayma Mays), embark on a journey to Paris to rescue her. Along the way, they encounter various magical and whimsical challenges.
In the climax, Gargamel’s plan to extract Smurf essence reaches a critical point, leading to a showdown between the Smurfs and the villainous wizard. The resolution involves themes of friendship, family, and the power of positive emotions.
“The Smurfs 2” received mixed reviews from critics, with praise for its family-friendly appeal and criticism for its formulaic plot. While some enjoyed the colorful animation and the humor, others found the film lacking in depth compared to the original source material. Despite the mixed critical reception, the film was moderately successful at the box office.