The film follows private investigator Holland March (Ryan Gosling) and enforcer Jackson Healy (Russell Crowe) as they investigate the apparent suicide of a porn star named Misty Mountains (Murielle Telio) and the disappearance of Amelia Kutner (Margaret Qualley), a young woman connected to the porn industry.
In the climax of the film, March and Healy discover that Amelia is a key figure in the conspiracy surrounding the production of an adult film featuring a controversial government document. The film reveals that Detroit automakers are suppressing the catalytic converter, a device that could significantly reduce air pollution.
March and Healy confront the individuals behind the conspiracy, a group of powerful figures in the government and the automotive industry. The climax involves a shootout and a tense confrontation, during which the truth about the conspiracy is exposed.
In the resolution, March, Healy, and Amelia survive the dangerous encounter, and the truth about the conspiracy becomes public knowledge. The film ends with March and Healy contemplating their next moves, with March suggesting that they could become “The Nice Guys” for real by partnering up and continuing their investigative work.
The film combines elements of humor, action, and mystery, and the ending leaves room for the possibility of further adventures for the dynamic duo of March and Healy.
In summary, “The Nice Guys” concludes with the exposure of a government and corporate conspiracy, the survival of the main characters, and the potential for future collaborations between March and Healy as they embrace their roles as unconventional investigators.