The story follows Clary Fray (played by Lily Collins), a seemingly ordinary teenage girl who discovers that she is part of a hidden world of ShadowhuntersÑwarriors dedicated to hunting demons. Clary’s mother (played by Lena Headey) is kidnapped, prompting her to join forces with fellow Shadowhunters, including Jace Wayland (played by Jamie Campbell Bower) and Alec Lightwood (played by Kevin Zegers).
As Clary delves into the magical and dangerous world of the Shadowhunters, she uncovers family secrets and the existence of the Mortal Cup, a powerful artifact that can create more Shadowhunters or enhance the strength of existing ones. The group faces various challenges, including encounters with powerful demons and the pursuit of the Cup by the villainous Valentine Morgenstern (played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers).
In the climax, Clary and her allies confront Valentine in a final showdown. The resolution involves the revelation of Clary’s true heritage, the consequences of the battle, and the setup for potential future conflicts in the series.
“The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones” received mixed reviews from critics, with praise for its visual effects and criticisms aimed at its derivative plot and pacing. Despite the film’s mixed reception, the “Mortal Instruments” book series has a dedicated fanbase, and there have been continued efforts to adapt the story for other formats.