The story follows Bob Wilton, a journalist who is struggling with his personal life and career. Bob decides to travel to Kuwait during the Iraq War to prove himself as a serious reporter. While there, he encounters Lyn Cassady, a former U.S. Army Special Forces operative who claims to be part of a secret unit known as the New Earth Army.
Lyn tells Bob about the New Earth Army, a top-secret military program that explores psychic abilities and unconventional warfare techniques. Led by the eccentric Bill Django, the program aims to create “Warrior Monks” capable of using psychic powers to achieve military objectives without violence.
As Lyn recounts his experiences with the New Earth Army, Bob becomes increasingly fascinated and decides to accompany Lyn on a journey through the Iraqi desert. Along the way, Lyn reveals the history of the program, including its origins in the Vietnam War and its attempts to harness psychic powers for intelligence gathering and combat.
The narrative alternates between flashbacks to the early days of the New Earth Army and Bob and Lyn’s present-day adventures in Iraq. Through these flashbacks, viewers learn about the various training exercises and experiments conducted by the program, including attempts to walk through walls, communicate telepathically, and even kill goats with the power of the mind.
As Bob and Lyn continue their journey, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including rival military factions and dangerous terrain. Along the way, they form a bond and develop a mutual respect for each other.
In the climax of the film, Bob and Lyn reach their destination—a secret military facility where Lyn hopes to confront Larry Hooper, a former colleague who betrayed the ideals of the New Earth Army. However, they are captured by Hooper and his men, who reveal their plans to use psychic powers for nefarious purposes.
In a daring escape, Bob and Lyn manage to outsmart their captors and thwart Hooper’s plans. With the help of Lyn’s psychic abilities, they overcome the odds and emerge victorious. As they make their way back to safety, Bob reflects on the surreal and bizarre nature of their journey, ultimately finding a renewed sense of purpose and meaning in his life.