In a desperate bid to save her home and exact revenge on Captain Marvel, known as The Annihilator among the Kree, Dar-Benn hatches a plan to steal Earth’s sun. After the SABER crew’s successful evacuation with the help of Flerkens, the titular trio intercepts Dar-Benn before she can carry out her destructive plot. A fierce battle ensues, culminating in Dar-Benn’s apparent agreement to Monica’s proposal of using Carol’s powers to restore Hala’s sun. However, Dar-Benn’s true intentions are revealed when, upon her release, she seizes Kamala’s bangle, combining both magical artifacts. Despite Carol’s warning, Dar-Benn succumbs to the overwhelming power, tearing a hole in space-time. Monica sacrifices herself to close the breach, leaving Carol trapped in an unknown reality. True to her promise, Carol heads to Hala to restore their sun, potentially bringing an end to the Kree-Skrull war. Meanwhile, Kamala returns to New York, reuniting with her family and Nick Fury. In Louisiana, Carol moves into the Rambeau’s house, signaling the end of her solitary space days, as she embraces a more permanent presence on Earth. The bond between Carol and Kamala deepens into friendship, but Kamala embarks on a new project in Jersey City.