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The Lego Ninjago Movie

“The Lego Ninjago Movie” is a 2017 animated film based on the Lego Ninjago toy line. Directed by Charlie Bean, Paul Fisher, and Bob Logan, the movie follows the story of a group of young ninja warriors led by Lloyd Garmadon (voiced by Dave Franco) as they try to save their city, Ninjago, from Lloyd’s villainous father, Lord Garmadon (voiced by Justin Theroux). Below is a detailed summary of the ending, and it contains spoilers.

In the climactic battle, Lloyd and his friends, who form the secret ninja force, confront Lord Garmadon, who is attacking Ninjago with a giant mech. The ninja warriors use their elemental powers and skills to battle Garmadon and his army of robotic minions.

During the fight, Lloyd learns a surprising revelation: his father, Lord Garmadon, was once a regular man named “Koko,” who fell in love with a powerful ninja leader. Garmadon’s longing for power and ambition, however, led him down a dark path, causing a rift between them.

Lloyd attempts to reconcile with his father, but Garmadon remains focused on conquering Ninjago. Eventually, Lloyd realizes that the only way to save the city is to use the ultimate weapon, the “Ultimate, Ultimate Weapon,” which is revealed to be a green “ultimate-weapon” button on the mech.

Lloyd pushes the button, unleashing the ultimate weapon, but it turns out to be a simple “dad” button, causing the mech to release a live-action cat video instead of destruction. The city is saved, and Lloyd and his father find common ground. Garmadon expresses regret for his past actions, and Lloyd and Koko decide to give their relationship another chance.

The movie concludes with Ninjago being rebuilt, and Lloyd and his friends continuing their ninja training. The reconciled family, including Garmadon, Koko, and Lloyd, starts a new chapter, and the film ends with a sense of unity and understanding.

“The Lego Ninjago Movie” combines humor, action, and family themes in the signature Lego style, providing a lighthearted and entertaining adventure for audiences of all ages.

IMDb Rating

The Lego Ninjago Movie


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