As the narrative unfolds, Nell Sweetzer (Ashley Bell) is found in rural Louisiana, seemingly suffering from amnesia after the events of the first film. She tries to start a new life in New Orleans, working at a hotel and forming connections with new people.
In the climax, it becomes apparent that the demonic force that haunted Nell in the first film has not fully left her. The demon Abalam continues to exert its influence, leading to a series of supernatural and disturbing events.
In the resolution, Nell learns more about her past and the demonic entity that has been tormenting her. She discovers her connection to a cult that worships Abalam and realizes that the demon has chosen her as its vessel.
The film concludes with a final confrontation between Nell and the cult, culminating in a ritual intended to fully possess her. The ending leaves the fate of Nell ambiguous, with the suggestion that the demonic force has taken control once again.
“The Last Exorcism Part II” received generally negative reviews from critics, with criticism directed at its departure from the found-footage style of the first film and the lack of scares. The sequel explores themes of possession, identity, and the supernatural.