The film follows the Carter family, consisting of Big Bob (played by Ted Levine), Ethel (played by Kathleen Quinlan), their daughter Brenda (played by Emilie de Ravin), son-in-law Doug (played by Aaron Stanford), and their three children, as they embark on a road trip across the New Mexico desert.
During their journey, the family’s car breaks down in a remote and desolate area, leaving them stranded without any means of communication or assistance. Unbeknownst to them, the area is inhabited by a group of mutated and cannibalistic individuals who prey on unsuspecting travelers.
As night falls, the Carter family becomes the target of a savage and relentless attack by the mutant inhabitants of the area. Separated and outnumbered, the family members must fight for their lives as they are hunted down one by one by the vicious mutants.
Amidst the chaos and violence, the surviving members of the Carter family band together to defend themselves and mount a desperate bid for survival. They must navigate the treacherous terrain of the desert and confront their fears in order to escape the clutches of their relentless attackers.
In a series of harrowing and intense encounters, the Carter family battles against the mutants in a fight for their lives. Along the way, they uncover the horrifying truth about the origins of the mutants and the dark secrets hidden within the desolate landscape.
In a climactic showdown, the surviving members of the Carter family confront the leader of the mutants, a monstrous and deformed figure known as Papa Jupiter (played by Billy Drago). In a final act of defiance, they manage to overcome their assailants and escape the deadly trap of the desert.
The film ends with the surviving members of the Carter family driving away from the desolate area, haunted by the traumatic events they have endured and the horrors they have witnessed. Though they have survived the nightmarish ordeal, they are left scarred and forever changed by their encounter with the hills that have eyes.
Overall, “The Hills Have Eyes” is a brutal and relentless horror film that delivers thrills, chills, and plenty of gruesome violence. With its tense atmosphere, visceral scares, and memorable characters, it’s a must-watch for fans of the genre.