The movie revolves around Telly Paretta (played by Julianne Moore), a grieving mother who is struggling to cope with the loss of her young son, Sam, who died in a plane crash fourteen months earlier. Telly is haunted by memories of Sam and is consumed by grief, unable to move on with her life.
However, Telly’s world is turned upside down when she wakes up one morning to discover that all evidence of Sam’s existence has vanished. There are no photographs, no belongings, and no records of Sam ever existing. Even her husband, Jim (played by Anthony Edwards), insists that they never had a son and that Telly is suffering from delusions.
Determined to uncover the truth, Telly seeks help from a psychiatrist named Dr. Munce (played by Gary Sinise), who initially dismisses her claims as hallucinations. However, as Telly delves deeper into her investigation, she discovers that she is not alone in her experience. Other parents who lost children in the same plane crash are also experiencing the same phenomenon.
As Telly and the other parents join forces to uncover the truth behind their children’s disappearance, they become the target of a mysterious and powerful force that will stop at nothing to keep their secrets hidden. Telly must race against time to unravel the mystery and reunite with her son before it’s too late.
In the climax of the film, Telly and the other parents confront the truth behind their children’s disappearance. They discover that their children were part of a government experiment to manipulate memories and erase their existence. The government agency responsible for the experiment is determined to silence anyone who threatens to expose the truth.
Despite facing danger and opposition, Telly refuses to give up on her quest to find her son. With the help of Dr. Munce and a sympathetic detective, she uncovers evidence that leads her to a hidden facility where the children are being held. In a daring rescue mission, Telly manages to free her son and the other children from captivity, finally bringing them home where they belong.
The film concludes with Telly reunited with her son, Sam, and her family, but forever changed by her ordeal. She vows to cherish every moment with her son and never take anything for granted again.
Overall, “The Forgotten” is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that explores themes of loss, memory, and the power of a mother’s love. With its twisty plot, compelling performances, and atmospheric direction, it offers a thrilling movie experience that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.