The story follows Kuzco (voiced by David Spade), the young and arrogant emperor of the Inca Empire, who rules his kingdom with a selfish and tyrannical attitude. Kuzco’s advisor, Yzma (voiced by Eartha Kitt), plots to overthrow him with the help of her henchman, Kronk (voiced by Patrick Warburton).
Yzma’s plan involves turning Kuzco into a llama using a potion, but things go awry when Kronk accidentally gives Kuzco the wrong drink. Instead of killing him, the potion transforms Kuzco into a llama. Shocked and confused, Kuzco is thrown out of the palace and into the jungle.
Lost and alone, Kuzco encounters Pacha (voiced by John Goodman), a kind-hearted peasant and llama herder who offers to help him. Pacha agrees to guide Kuzco back to the palace, but only if Kuzco agrees to spare his village, which Kuzco plans to demolish to build a lavish summer home.
As Kuzco and Pacha journey through the jungle, they encounter numerous obstacles and challenges, including Yzma and Kronk, who are determined to capture Kuzco and prevent him from reclaiming his throne. Along the way, Kuzco learns valuable lessons about humility, compassion, and the importance of friendship.
Meanwhile, Yzma seizes power in Kuzco’s absence and begins ruling the kingdom with an iron fist. She plans to destroy Pacha’s village and build her own luxurious summer home on the site.
In a climactic showdown, Kuzco and Pacha confront Yzma and Kronk in the palace. With the help of Pacha’s family and some unexpected allies, including a group of talking animals, they outsmart Yzma and reverse the effects of the potion, restoring Kuzco to his human form.
In the end, Kuzco learns the error of his ways and decides to rule the kingdom with kindness and compassion. He cancels his plans to destroy Pacha’s village and instead builds a modest summer home nearby. Kuzco also forms a genuine friendship with Pacha and his family, realizing that true happiness comes from caring for others.
“The Emperor’s New Groove” is a hilarious and heartwarming tale of redemption, friendship, and self-discovery. With its witty humor, colorful animation, and lovable characters, the film has become a beloved classic for audiences of all ages.