The movie follows Steven Kovacs (played by Matthew Broderick), a mild-mannered man who moves into a new apartment and seeks to get cable television installed. He encounters Chip Douglas (played by Jim Carrey), the eccentric and socially awkward cable installer who takes an immediate liking to Steven and begins to insert himself into Steven’s life.
At first, Steven is amused by Chip’s antics and enjoys spending time with him. However, Chip’s behavior soon becomes increasingly intrusive and unsettling. He starts showing up uninvited at Steven’s workplace and home, and he begins to sabotage Steven’s relationships with his girlfriend Robin (played by Leslie Mann) and his best friend Rick (played by Jack Black).
As Chip’s obsession with Steven intensifies, it becomes clear that he has a troubled past and a warped sense of reality. He sees Steven as his new best friend and becomes jealous and possessive when Steven tries to distance himself.
In the climax of the film, Chip’s behavior escalates to dangerous levels, and he kidnaps Robin in a fit of jealousy. Steven realizes that he must confront Chip and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.
In a final showdown, Steven confronts Chip at a satellite dish installation site. The two engage in a physical altercation, culminating in Chip falling from the top of the satellite dish and seemingly plummeting to his death.
In the aftermath, Steven reconciles with Robin and realizes the importance of setting boundaries and standing up for himself. Chip survives the fall but is arrested by the police and taken into custody.
“The Cable Guy” is known for its dark humor and Jim Carrey’s offbeat performance as the titular character. The film explores themes of loneliness, obsession, and the dangers of unchecked power. While initially polarizing among critics, “The Cable Guy” has since gained a cult following for its unique blend of comedy and psychological thriller elements.