The movie follows the legendary German folklorists and brothers, Wilhelm Grimm (played by Matt Damon) and Jacob Grimm (played by Heath Ledger), who travel from village to village in early 19th-century France posing as exorcists and demon hunters, exploiting local superstitions for profit. However, their scam is exposed, and they are arrested by the French authorities.
In order to avoid execution, Wilhelm and Jacob are given a task by the French General Delatombe (played by Jonathan Pryce) and his henchman, Cavaldi (played by Peter Stormare): to investigate the disappearance of several young girls in a remote forest region, believed to be caused by a supernatural force.
As they venture into the haunted forest, the brothers encounter a mysterious and magical world filled with enchanted creatures and dark secrets. They soon discover that the disappearances are linked to an ancient curse placed on the forest by the evil Mirror Queen (played by Monica Bellucci), a powerful sorceress seeking to regain her youth and beauty by sacrificing the souls of young girls.
With the help of Angelika (played by Lena Headey), a resourceful local huntress, Wilhelm and Jacob embark on a perilous quest to stop the Mirror Queen and break the curse before it’s too late. Along the way, they encounter a series of fantastical creatures, including the monstrous Mudlark and the enchanted Gingerbread House.
In the climax of the film, Wilhelm and Jacob confront the Mirror Queen in her enchanted palace, engaging in a fierce battle of wits and magic. With Angelika’s help, they manage to outsmart the Mirror Queen and destroy her source of power, freeing the forest from her dark influence.
In the end, Wilhelm and Jacob emerge victorious, hailed as heroes by the grateful villagers. They continue their adventures as legendary storytellers, inspired by their encounters in the enchanted forest to write some of their most famous fairy tales, including “Hansel and Gretel” and “Little Red Riding Hood.”
Overall, “The Brothers Grimm” is a whimsical and visually stunning fantasy film that combines elements of adventure, horror, and fairy tale magic. With its imaginative storytelling, colorful characters, and dazzling special effects, it offers a thrilling and enchanting journey into the world of folklore and legend.