The movie follows the story of the Lutz family, who move into a large house on 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York. George Lutz (played by Ryan Reynolds), his wife Kathy (played by Melissa George), and their three children hope to start a new life in the spacious and idyllic house.
However, their dreams of a fresh start are quickly shattered when strange and terrifying occurrences begin to plague the family. They experience unexplained phenomena such as eerie voices, mysterious noises, and disturbing visions. As the supernatural activity intensifies, the Lutz family becomes increasingly terrified and desperate to escape the house.
George, in particular, starts to exhibit strange behavior and becomes increasingly aggressive and withdrawn. He is haunted by visions of a demonic figure and experiences violent outbursts, putting his family in danger.
As the horrors of the house escalate, the Lutz family reaches out to a priest, Father Delaney (played by Philip Baker Hall), for help. However, Father Delaney is unable to exorcise the evil presence from the house and warns the family to leave before it’s too late.
In the climax of the film, the Lutz family makes a frantic attempt to flee from the house as it becomes increasingly clear that they are in mortal danger. They are pursued by the malevolent forces that inhabit the house, culminating in a terrifying confrontation between George and the demonic entity that possesses him.
In the end, Kathy and her children narrowly escape from the house, leaving George behind. The film concludes with the revelation that the house remains haunted and that the evil within it continues to claim victims.
Overall, “The Amityville Horror” is a chilling and suspenseful horror film that delivers thrills and scares. With its atmospheric setting, tense pacing, and intense performances, it offers a terrifying movie experience for fans of the genre.