The film continues the story of Peter Parker as he balances his life as a college student, his relationship with Gwen Stacy (played by Emma Stone), and his duties as Spider-Man. As Peter delves into the mystery of his parents’ disappearance, he uncovers a connection to Oscorp and its former employee, Dr. Richard Parker.
Meanwhile, Oscorp is facing internal conflicts, with Harry Osborn (played by Dane DeHaan) inheriting the company from his ailing father. Harry discovers that he has a hereditary illness and seeks Spider-Man’s blood, believing it may hold the key to a cure.
The central antagonist, Max Dillon (played by Jamie Foxx), an Oscorp employee, becomes the superpowered villain Electro after a freak accident involving electric eels and a power grid. Electro develops a vendetta against Spider-Man, whom he initially idolized.
The narrative unfolds as Peter grapples with the responsibilities of being a superhero and the personal challenges in his life. The film delves into the theme of power and its consequences, exploring the impact of heroism on those close to Spider-Man.
In the climax, Gwen discovers Peter’s secret identity, and together they confront Electro in Times Square. The battle leads to Gwen’s tragic death, mirroring a significant event from the comics. Peter faces guilt and grief, and Harry, now transformed into the Green Goblin, blames Spider-Man for Gwen’s demise.
The film ends with a somber note as Peter mourns Gwen’s death, and Harry, fueled by revenge, prepares to assemble a team of supervillains. The sequel sets the stage for potential future conflicts and explores the toll that being Spider-Man takes on Peter’s personal life.
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” received mixed reviews, with praise for its action sequences and performances but criticism for its pacing and handling of multiple storylines. Despite mixed critical reception, the film laid the groundwork for subsequent developments in the Spider-Man cinematic universe.