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"Incredibles 2" is the sequel to the 2004 animated film "The Incredibles," and it continues the story of the Parr family, who are superheroes in a world where superhero activity is illegal. The movie
In the movie, the protagonist, The Fist (played by Sean Stone), is a man with amnesia who possesses incredible martial arts skills. He embarks on a quest to recover his memories and retrieve a powerfu
The movie follows Deadpool/Wade Wilson as he forms a team called X-Force to protect a young mutant named Russell Collins/Firefist (played by Julian Dennison) from Cable (played by Josh Brolin), a time
"Thor: Ragnarok" is a 2017 superhero film directed by Taika Waititi, part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Starring Chris Hemsworth as Thor, the movie features a mix of action, humor, and mytho
In the climactic resolution of "Love and Monsters," Joel Dawson (Dylan O'Brien) faces the towering Queen Sand Gobbler to rescue his love interest, Aimee (Jessica Henwick). The battle takes place in a
In the animated film "Soul," the protagonist, Joe Gardner (voiced by Jamie Foxx), undergoes a transformative journey that explores themes of purpose, passion, and the meaning of life. The film's concl
In the movie "Fatman," the ending unfolds with a climactic confrontation between Santa Claus (played by Mel Gibson) and the assassin Skinny Man (played by Walton Goggins) at Santa's workshop in the No
In the final act of "Free Guy," the protagonist, Guy (played by Ryan Reynolds), manages to reach the top of the city's tallest building, where he confronts the game's creator, Antwan (played by Taika
Vivo is a kinkajou living in Havana, Cuba to perform music with his owner and friend, Andres Hernandez. Andres receives a letter from an old flame, Marta Sandoval, a famous singer who was also his for
In the final act of "The Suicide Squad," the antiheroes known as Task Force X (the Suicide Squad) infiltrate the island of Corto Maltese to destroy the secret Project Starfish. The squad, led by Colon