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The story begins with Shrek (voiced by Mike Myers), a solitary and grumpy ogre, living happily in his swamp until it is overrun by a multitude of fairytale creatures who have been exiled by the tyrann
"Osmosis Jones" is a live-action/animated hybrid comedy film released in 2001, directed by Bobby and Peter Farrelly and starring Bill Murray, Chris Rock, and Laurence Fishburne. The movie combines liv
The film begins with eccentric billionaire Donald Sinclair (played by John Cleese) organizing a high-stakes race from Las Vegas to Silver City, New Mexico. He selects a group of random individuals and
The film begins with Captain Leo Davidson (played by Mark Wahlberg), a United States Air Force astronaut, aboard the space station Oberon. During a routine reconnaissance mission, Leo's chimp, Pericle
The film begins with Chihiro, a sullen and whiny 10-year-old girl, reluctantly accompanying her parents, Akio and Yūko, to their new home in the countryside. During their journey, they stumble upon wh
The film begins with Dr. Alan Grant (played by Sam Neill), a renowned paleontologist, who has become disillusioned with the commercialization of dinosaurs since his experiences at Jurassic Park. He no
The film is set in the year 2065, where Earth is ravaged by a deadly alien invasion. The alien creatures, known as Phantoms, are mysterious entities that can absorb the life force of living beings, le
The protagonist, D'Artagnan (played by Justin Chambers), is a skilled swordsman seeking revenge for the murder of his parents by a villainous mercenary named Febre (played by Tim Roth). D'Artagnan's q
The protagonist, Jamal Walker (played by Martin Lawrence), is a slacker working at a medieval theme park called Medieval World. Despite his lack of ambition, Jamal possesses a sharp wit and a talent f
"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," known as "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" outside the United States, is a fantasy film directed by Chris Columbus, released in 2001. It is based on t