The movie follows Miles Morales (voiced by Shameik Moore), who gains spider-powers and discovers the existence of the multiverse. Throughout the film, multiple versions of Spider-Man, including Peter Parker (voiced by Jake Johnson), Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman (voiced by Hailee Steinfeld), Spider-Man Noir (voiced by Nicolas Cage), Peni Parker (voiced by Kimiko Glenn) with her robot SP//dr, and Spider-Ham (voiced by John Mulaney), are brought together to stop the villain Kingpin (voiced by Liev Schreiber) from using a supercollider to access parallel universes.
In the climactic battle, Miles faces Kingpin and is joined by the other Spider-People. During the fight, the Prowler, who is revealed to be Miles’ uncle, Aaron Davis (voiced by Mahershala Ali), sacrifices himself to save Miles from Kingpin. This event has a significant emotional impact on Miles and adds depth to his character.
The final confrontation involves shutting down the supercollider before it causes a catastrophic collapse of the multiverse. Each Spider-Person faces their own challenges and overcomes personal struggles to contribute to the mission. Miles, in particular, embraces his role as Spider-Man and gains control over his powers.
In the end, Miles successfully shuts down the supercollider, but not without consequences. The various Spider-People bid farewell and return to their respective dimensions. Before leaving, Peter Parker from another dimension imparts some words of wisdom and encouragement to Miles. The movie concludes with Miles fully embracing his identity as Spider-Man and navigating the challenges of being a hero in his own universe.
The film’s post-credits scene teases the potential return of Spider-Man 2099 (voiced by Oscar Isaac) and hints at future adventures in the multiverse. Overall, “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” received critical acclaim for its innovative animation style, engaging story, and heartfelt character development.