The movie begins with Joe Tyler (played by Matthew Perry), a down-on-his-luck process server struggling to make ends meet in Dallas, Texas. Joe’s life takes an unexpected turn when he is hired by a wealthy businessman named Gordon Moore (played by Bruce Campbell) to serve divorce papers to his wife, Sara Moore (played by Elizabeth Hurley).
Eager to earn a big payday, Joe tracks down Sara in New York City and attempts to deliver the divorce papers. However, Sara persuades Joe to switch sides and serve Gordon with her own divorce papers instead, offering him a lucrative sum of money in return.
Joe reluctantly agrees to the deal and sets out to track down Gordon, who is vacationing at his ranch in Texas. Along the way, Joe and Sara find themselves pursued by a relentless rival process server named Tony (played by Vincent Pastore), who is determined to beat them to the punch and claim the reward for himself.
As Joe and Sara embark on a cross-country road trip to serve Gordon with the divorce papers, they find themselves caught up in a series of comedic misadventures and close encounters with Tony and his bumbling associates. Along the way, they form an unlikely bond and begin to develop feelings for each other.
Despite their growing attraction, Joe and Sara are determined to complete their mission and claim their reward. However, their plans are thrown into jeopardy when they discover that Gordon has hired a team of ruthless mercenaries to protect him and prevent the divorce from going through.
In a climactic showdown at Gordon’s ranch, Joe and Sara confront Gordon and his hired goons in a hilarious and chaotic battle of wits. With the help of some unexpected allies, they outsmart their adversaries and successfully serve Gordon with the divorce papers, securing their payday and ensuring Sara’s freedom.
In the end, Joe and Sara bid farewell to each other, grateful for the adventure they shared and the lessons they learned along the way. As they part ways, they express hope for the future and the possibility of finding love and happiness in unexpected places.
“Serving Sara” is praised for its fast-paced humor, witty dialogue, and charming performances by Matthew Perry and Elizabeth Hurley. The film offers a lighthearted and entertaining romp through the world of process serving, filled with laughter, romance, and plenty of comedic hijinks.