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Saw II

Det. Matthews convinces John to take him to where his son and the other captives are being held. As they drive we also see Xaiver chasing Amanda and Daniel through the house. They wind up at the setting of where most of the first Saw movie took place [the old and dirty bathroom]. When Xaiver finds them he attempts to kill them both, but Daniel uses a saw to slit Xaiver’s throat. When the police get the location of where they belive the house is they only find another set of monitors and some vcr’s on playback implying that the moniters they had been watching at Jigsaw’s hideout were of something already recorded. Det. Matthews follows Amanda and Daniel through the house only to find the empty bathroom with several dead bodies including Xaiver’s, then sees a body laying in the bathtub. When he goes to check it out he finds a person that stabs him with a paralyzing shot. Back at Jigsaw’s hideout the timer goes off that is next to the monitors, and the safe opens and reveals Daniel breathing off an oxygen mask,going back to when John said that if Det. Matthews sat and talked with him long enough he would find his son in a safe and secure location. Back at the bathroom Det. Matthews awakes and finds he is chained up to a pipe and a tape recording of Amanda explaining that he framed her for possesion and that’s why she went to prison and that in John she found a father figure and that after John died she would continue his work and Det. Matthews is her first test subject. Amanda then is seen at the door and says to Det. Matthews “Game Over” as she closes the door and we see a picture of Jigsaw as we hear Det. Matthews screams.

IMDb Rating

Saw II


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