The film is set in the picturesque village of Port Isaac in Cornwall, England. Grace Trevethyn (played by Brenda Blethyn) is a middle-aged widow who runs a small bed-and-breakfast with her husband, who suddenly dies of a heart attack. Grace discovers that her husband left behind massive debts, including unpaid taxes and a large mortgage on their home.
Facing financial ruin and desperate to save her home, Grace seeks the help of her friend Matthew (played by Craig Ferguson), a local farmer and botanist. Matthew suggests that Grace grow cannabis plants in her greenhouse, which he believes will yield a lucrative crop that can help her pay off her debts.
Reluctantly, Grace agrees to Matthew’s plan and begins growing cannabis plants in secret. With Matthew’s help, she learns the ins and outs of cultivating the illegal plant, facing numerous challenges along the way, including nosy neighbors, police surveillance, and her own moral qualms about breaking the law.
As Grace’s cannabis crop begins to flourish, she attracts the attention of a local drug dealer named Nick (played by Martin Clunes), who offers to buy her entire harvest. Initially hesitant, Grace eventually agrees to sell the cannabis to Nick, using the proceeds to pay off her debts and save her home.
However, Grace’s illegal activities attract the attention of the police, who launch an investigation into her activities. With the help of her friends and neighbors, Grace manages to evade capture and successfully sell her cannabis crop, earning enough money to secure her financial future.
In the end, Grace is cleared of any wrongdoing, and she uses her newfound wealth to renovate her home and improve her life. She also finds love with Matthew, who has supported her throughout her ordeal.
“Saving Grace” is a charming and lighthearted comedy that explores themes of friendship, resilience, and the lengths people will go to in order to protect their loved ones. With its quirky characters, picturesque setting, and witty humor, the film has become a beloved classic among audiences around the world.