The film is based on the real-life events of the 1923 Rosewood massacre, which took place in Rosewood, Florida, a predominantly African-American community. The story centers on the town’s destruction and the experiences of its residents during the racially charged violence.
The film begins with the arrival of Mann (played by Ving Rhames), a World War I veteran who settles in Rosewood to start a new life. Mann is initially welcomed by the town’s residents, who appreciate his help and friendship. However, tensions rise when a white woman named Fanny Taylor (played by Catherine Kellner) falsely accuses a black man of assaulting her.
As rumors spread and tensions escalate, a violent mob of white vigilantes descends on Rosewood, seeking revenge for the alleged assault. The mob terrorizes the town, burning homes, looting businesses, and murdering innocent residents in a brutal and senseless rampage.
Mann emerges as a reluctant hero, leading efforts to protect the town’s residents and fight back against the attackers. Despite his efforts, the violence continues unabated, and many lives are lost in the chaos.
In the aftermath of the massacre, Rosewood lies in ruins, and its survivors are left to rebuild their lives amidst the devastation. Mann and others vow to never forget the tragedy and seek justice for those who were wronged.
“Rosewood” is praised for its powerful depiction of a dark chapter in American history and its exploration of themes such as racism, community, and resilience. It sheds light on the atrocities committed against African-Americans during the Jim Crow era and serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of confronting and remembering the past.