“Righteous Kill” is a 2008 crime thriller film directed by Jon Avnet, starring Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. The movie revolves around two veteran New York City police detectives, David Fisk (played by De Niro) and Thomas Cowan (played by Pacino), who are investigating a series of murders targeting criminals who escaped justice due to legal technicalities. Here’s a detailed description of the ending, including spoilers:
In the climax of the film, the true identity of the serial killer, known as “The Poetry Killer,” is revealed, leading to a shocking confrontation between the detectives and the culprit.
Throughout the movie, Fisk and Cowan work tirelessly to solve the case, grappling with their own personal demons and the moral complexities of vigilantism. As the body count rises and the pressure mounts, they become increasingly obsessed with catching the killer and bringing him to justice.
As the investigation progresses, Fisk and Cowan uncover clues that lead them to believe that the killer may be someone within their own ranks. Suspicion falls on several individuals, including their colleagues and fellow detectives, as they race against time to prevent further bloodshed.
In the final moments of the film, the detectives finally confront the killer, who is revealed to be one of their own, Detective Teddy Riley (played by Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson). Riley confesses to the murders, revealing that he was motivated by a desire for revenge against those he believed had betrayed him.
A tense standoff ensues, during which Riley attempts to justify his actions and taunts Fisk and Cowan with cryptic clues. In a dramatic twist, Riley is ultimately shot and killed by Fisk, who is forced to take decisive action to protect innocent lives.
The film ends with Fisk and Cowan reflecting on the events that transpired, as they grapple with the consequences of their actions and the moral ambiguity of their profession. Despite the resolution of the case, they are left to ponder the lingering questions and uncertainties surrounding the nature of justice and the limits of the law.
Overall, the ending of “Righteous Kill” is a tense and suspenseful conclusion to the story, as the detectives come face to face with the truth behind the murders and the dark side of human nature. Through its gripping performances and intricate plot twists, the film offers audiences a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of crime, morality, and the pursuit of justice in the modern world.