The story centers on Nick Walker (played by Ryan Reynolds), a police officer who is killed in the line of duty but instead of moving on to the afterlife, he is recruited into the R.I.P.D., a supernatural law enforcement agency tasked with capturing deceased souls who refuse to leave the earthly plane. Nick is paired with Roy Pulsipher (played by Jeff Bridges), a lawman from the 1800s, to patrol the afterlife and apprehend “deados.”
As Nick and Roy investigate a mysterious artifact that could unleash chaos upon the living world, they uncover a larger conspiracy that threatens both the living and the dead. The film combines action, comedy, and supernatural elements as the duo faces off against otherworldly threats.
In the climax, Nick and Roy confront the main antagonist and attempt to prevent the catastrophic consequences of the artifact’s use. The resolution involves the characters coming to terms with their pasts and the choices they made in both life and death.
“R.I.P.D.” received generally negative reviews from critics, who criticized its derivative plot, lack of originality, and comparisons to other buddy cop films. The film struggled at the box office and was considered a commercial disappointment.