The film follows the story of Kayley (voiced by Jessalyn Gilsig), a brave and determined young woman who dreams of becoming a knight like her late father, Sir Lionel (voiced by Gabriel Byrne). When her father is killed by the evil knight Ruber (voiced by Gary Oldman), who seeks to usurp King Arthur (voiced by Pierce Brosnan) and take control of Camelot, Kayley sets out on a quest to retrieve Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur, and save her kingdom.
Joined by a blind hermit named Garrett (voiced by Cary Elwes), who was once a knight himself, and a two-headed dragon named Devon and Cornwall (voiced by Eric Idle and Don Rickles), who are constantly bickering with each other, Kayley embarks on a perilous journey through enchanted forests, treacherous mountains, and dark caverns to find Excalibur and stop Ruber’s nefarious plans.
As they travel, Kayley and her companions encounter various challenges and obstacles, including Ruber’s minions, who will stop at nothing to prevent them from reaching their goal. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, bravery, and the true meaning of heroism.
Meanwhile, back in Camelot, Ruber launches his attack on the kingdom, using dark magic to create an army of mechanical warriors and laying siege to the castle. With King Arthur incapacitated by Ruber’s magic, it’s up to Kayley and her friends to save Camelot and restore peace to the land.
In a climactic showdown, Kayley confronts Ruber in a fierce battle for control of Excalibur. With the help of her friends and the power of her indomitable spirit, Kayley manages to defeat Ruber and reclaim the sword, restoring order to Camelot and fulfilling her father’s legacy.
In the end, Kayley is hailed as a hero by the people of Camelot, and her dream of becoming a knight is finally realized. With her courage and determination, she proves that anyone can be a hero, no matter their background or circumstances.
“Quest for Camelot” is praised for its colorful animation, memorable characters, and uplifting message of courage and perseverance. It’s a heartwarming adventure that captures the magic and wonder of Arthurian legend, while also offering a fresh and inspiring take on the classic tale of heroism and destiny.