The film centers on Nick Beam (played by Tim Robbins), a successful advertising executive in Los Angeles who discovers that his wife, Ann (played by Kelly Preston), is having an affair with his boss, Philip (played by Michael McKean). Devastated by the betrayal, Nick decides to confront Ann and Philip but ends up getting fired from his job.
Feeling lost and disillusioned, Nick drives aimlessly through the city until he encounters T. Paul (played by Martin Lawrence), a small-time carjacker who attempts to steal Nick’s car at gunpoint. Instead of handing over his car, Nick impulsively decides to take T. Paul on a wild road trip across the country.
As Nick and T. Paul embark on their adventure, they form an unlikely bond and discover that they have more in common than they initially thought. Along the way, they encounter a series of misadventures and comedic situations, including a run-in with a group of rednecks and an encounter with a would-be robber.
Meanwhile, Ann and Philip become increasingly desperate to track down Nick and T. Paul, fearing that Nick might expose their affair to the world. They hire a private investigator, Detective Rig (played by John C. McGinley), to hunt them down and bring them back.
In the climax of the film, Nick and T. Paul find themselves pursued by both the police and Ann’s hired thugs. They must rely on their wits and resourcefulness to outsmart their pursuers and escape with their lives.
In the end, Nick confronts Ann and Philip, revealing the truth about their affair and standing up for himself. He realizes that he has nothing to lose by embracing life’s uncertainties and taking risks, and he decides to start anew with T. Paul as his friend and partner.
“Nothing to Lose” is praised for its comedic chemistry between Tim Robbins and Martin Lawrence, as well as its entertaining blend of humor and action. It’s a feel-good comedy that explores themes of friendship, redemption, and self-discovery, offering audiences a fun and entertaining ride from start to finish.