The story is set in 1956 and follows Colin Clark (Eddie Redmayne), a young aspiring filmmaker who secures a position as a third assistant director on the set of “The Prince and the Showgirl.” The film stars Marilyn Monroe (Michelle Williams) and Sir Laurence Olivier (Kenneth Branagh), who is also directing.
As Colin becomes enamored with the iconic Marilyn Monroe, he strikes up a friendship with her during the tumultuous shoot. Marilyn, struggling with her own insecurities and the demanding presence of Olivier, finds solace in Colin’s company.
The film explores the dynamics between Marilyn and Olivier, who clash due to artistic differences and Marilyn’s method acting approach. Meanwhile, Colin experiences the highs and lows of working in the film industry and the challenges of navigating the complicated world of Marilyn Monroe.
The climax of the film occurs when Marilyn’s husband, playwright Arthur Miller (Dougray Scott), arrives in England. This adds further tension to the set, and Marilyn becomes increasingly fragile under the pressure. Colin offers her support during this difficult time, leading to a brief romantic interlude.
The film concludes with Marilyn leaving England, marking the end of Colin’s enchanting week with her. As Colin reflects on the impact Marilyn had on his life, he gains a newfound appreciation for the complexities of fame and the human side of the glamorous Hollywood icon.
“My Week with Marilyn” received positive reviews, particularly for Michelle Williams’ portrayal of Marilyn Monroe, earning her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. The film provides a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes drama of a classic film and the brief connection between an ordinary young man and an extraordinary Hollywood star.