The film follows the story of two former Presidents of the United States, Russell P. Kramer (played by Jack Lemmon) and Matt Douglas (played by James Garner), who find themselves caught up in a political scandal that threatens to tarnish their legacies. Despite their bitter rivalry, Kramer and Douglas must work together to clear their names and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy.
The plot begins when President Kramer’s former Vice President, William Haney (played by Dan Aykroyd), is implicated in a bribery scandal involving a defense contractor. Haney implicates Kramer in the scandal as well, leading to both men being accused of corruption and facing potential impeachment.
As Kramer and Douglas embark on a cross-country journey to gather evidence and clear their names, they encounter various obstacles and misadventures along the way. Despite their differences, they form an unlikely bond as they reminisce about their time in office and reflect on their shared experiences.
In the climax of the film, Kramer and Douglas confront Haney and his co-conspirators, exposing the truth behind the scandal and clearing their names. With the help of their loyal aides, they thwart Haney’s plans and restore their reputations as respected statesmen.
In the end, Kramer and Douglas are hailed as heroes and receive a presidential pardon from the sitting President. They return to their respective retirement homes, having forged a newfound friendship and renewed sense of purpose in their twilight years.
“My Fellow Americans” is praised for its witty humor, sharp political satire, and stellar performances from Jack Lemmon and James Garner. It offers an entertaining and insightful look at the world of American politics, while also delivering a heartwarming message about friendship, integrity, and redemption.