The film follows Jackie (played by Jackie Chan), a popular television chef in Melbourne, Australia, known for his friendly demeanor and cooking skills. One day, while filming his show, Jackie inadvertently becomes involved in a drug deal between two rival gangs.
When one of the gangs, led by crime lord Giancarlo (played by Richard Norton), realizes that Jackie has videotaped their illegal activities, they set out to retrieve the incriminating tape. Jackie finds himself targeted by both gangs, forcing him to go on the run to protect himself and his friends.
Along the way, Jackie teams up with television reporter Diana (played by Gabrielle Fitzpatrick), who is investigating the drug trade in Melbourne. Together, they uncover a larger conspiracy involving corrupt police officers and government officials.
In the climax of the film, Jackie and Diana are cornered by Giancarlo and his henchmen in a warehouse. A chaotic and action-packed brawl ensues, with Jackie using his martial arts skills and improvised weapons to fend off his attackers.
With the help of Diana and his friends, Jackie manages to defeat Giancarlo and his gang, and the corrupt officials are exposed and arrested. In the end, Jackie returns to his life as a television chef, while Diana continues her career as a reporter.
“Mr. Nice Guy” is praised for its fast-paced action sequences, creative fight choreography, and Jackie Chan’s trademark blend of humor and athleticism. While the plot may be formulaic, the film delivers on entertainment value with its exhilarating stunts and lighthearted comedy.