The film is set in 1947, where an elderly Sherlock Holmes (played by Ian McKellen) has retired to the countryside and is living a quiet life tending to his bees. Holmes is grappling with memory loss and the effects of aging, and he is haunted by an unsolved case from thirty years ago that led to his retirement.
The unsolved case involves a young woman named Ann Kelmot (played by Hattie Morahan), whose husband, Thomas, had sought Holmes’s help. Holmes revisits the case through his fragmented memories, trying to understand what truly happened and why it had such a profound impact on him.
As Holmes interacts with a young boy named Roger (played by Milo Parker) and his housekeeper, Mrs. Munro (played by Laura Linney), he forms a unique bond with Roger and begins to unravel the mysteries of the past.
In the climax, the truth about the case is revealed, shedding light on the complexity of human relationships, the consequences of decisions, and the power of memory.
“Mr. Holmes” received positive reviews for Ian McKellen’s performance and the film’s thoughtful exploration of the legendary detective’s later years. The movie offers a reflective and emotional portrayal of Sherlock Holmes as he confronts the challenges of aging and unresolved cases from his past.