“Mirrors” is a 2008 supernatural horror film directed by Alexandre Aja, starring Kiefer Sutherland and Paula Patton. The movie follows a former police officer named Ben Carson (played by Kiefer Sutherland) who takes a job as a night security guard at a burned-down department store. Here’s a detailed description of the ending, including spoilers:
In the climax of the film, Ben finally confronts the malevolent force behind the haunted mirrors that have been terrorizing him and his family.
Throughout the movie, Ben uncovers the dark history of the department store and the disturbing events that led to its destruction. He learns that the mirrors in the building are haunted by the vengeful spirits of a group of tortured souls, including a young girl named Anna Esseker, who died in a fire at the store years earlier.
As Ben delves deeper into the mystery, he begins to experience terrifying visions and encounters with the malevolent entity lurking within the mirrors. He races against time to unravel the truth and protect his family from the sinister forces at work.
In the final moments of the film, Ben confronts the demonic presence within the mirrors in a climactic showdown. Armed with knowledge of the entity’s weakness, he devises a plan to destroy the mirrors and banish the evil once and for all.
With the help of his estranged wife, Amy (played by Paula Patton), and their children, Ben faces off against the malevolent force in a tense and harrowing battle. Using his wits and courage, he manages to shatter the mirrors and trap the entity within its own realm, freeing himself and his family from its influence.
The film ends with Ben and his family emerging from the department store, battered but alive, as the sun rises on a new day. Though they have survived the ordeal, they are left shaken by their brush with the supernatural and haunted by the memories of the horrors they have witnessed.
Overall, the ending of “Mirrors” is a thrilling and suspenseful conclusion to the story, as Ben confronts the darkness within and battles to protect his loved ones from the malevolent forces that seek to destroy them. Through its blend of horror, mystery, and supernatural elements, the film offers audiences a chilling and atmospheric journey into the depths of fear and paranoia.