The story follows DJ Drake (Brendan Fraser), a security guard at Warner Bros. Studios who dreams of becoming a stuntman in action films. DJ’s father, Damien Drake (played by Timothy Dalton), is a famous movie star who also happens to be a secret agent for a spy organization known as the “ACME Corporation.”
When Damien is captured by the evil chairman of the ACME Corporation, Mr. Chairman (played by Steve Martin), DJ teams up with Daffy Duck, who has been fired from the studio, to rescue his father. Along the way, they encounter various Looney Tunes characters, including Bugs Bunny, who joins them on their adventure.
As DJ and Daffy embark on their quest, they travel to various locations around the world, including Las Vegas, Paris, and the African jungle, encountering obstacles and adversaries at every turn. Along the way, they must contend with Mr. Chairman’s henchmen, who are determined to stop them from thwarting his plans.
In the climactic showdown, DJ, Daffy, Bugs, and their friends confront Mr. Chairman at the ACME Corporation headquarters. With the help of their ingenuity and teamwork, they manage to defeat Mr. Chairman and rescue Damien Drake.
The film ends with DJ achieving his dream of becoming a stuntman, Bugs and Daffy returning to their animated world, and Damien Drake reuniting with his son. As they celebrate their victory, DJ and his father share a heartfelt moment, expressing their love and appreciation for each other.
“Looney Tunes: Back in Action” is a delightful and entertaining romp that pays homage to the classic Looney Tunes cartoons while also delivering a fun and action-packed adventure for audiences of all ages. With its clever humor, colorful characters, and exciting blend of live-action and animation, the film captures the spirit of the beloved franchise while offering a fresh and modern twist on the beloved characters.