The story begins in Hell, where Satan (played by Harvey Keitel) plans to retire from his position as ruler of the underworld and pass the throne to one of his three sons: Adrian (played by Rhys Ifans), Cassius (played by Tommy “Tiny” Lister Jr.), and Nicky (played by Adam Sandler). However, Adrian and Cassius rebel against their father and escape to Earth, causing chaos and destruction in their wake.
With Satan incapacitated and Hell in turmoil, Nicky is tasked with traveling to Earth to retrieve his brothers and bring them back to Hell. Armed with a magical flask and the assistance of a talking bulldog named Beefy (voiced by Robert Smigel), Nicky sets out on his quest to save his father and restore order to Hell.
Upon arriving on Earth, Nicky encounters a colorful cast of characters, including a group of eccentric New Yorkers who befriend him and help him navigate the unfamiliar world above. Along the way, Nicky discovers his own hidden powers, including the ability to heal others with his voice.
As Nicky searches for his brothers, he faces numerous challenges and obstacles, including encounters with demonic creatures and his own insecurities about living up to his father’s expectations. Despite the odds stacked against him, Nicky remains determined to do what is right and save his family.
Meanwhile, Adrian and Cassius continue their reign of terror on Earth, using their powers to manipulate and control those around them. They plan to unleash a wave of destruction that will plunge the world into chaos and solidify their rule over Hell.
In a climactic showdown, Nicky confronts his brothers and engages in a fierce battle to stop their nefarious plans. With the help of his friends and newfound powers, Nicky emerges victorious and saves the day, proving himself to be a true hero and worthy successor to his father’s throne.
As the film concludes, Nicky returns to Hell with his brothers in tow, where he is hailed as a hero and welcomed by his father. Satan decides to remain ruler of Hell for the time being, confident that Nicky will one day take his place and lead with compassion and kindness.
“Little Nicky” is a quirky and irreverent comedy that blends elements of fantasy, satire, and slapstick humor. With its zany premise, colorful characters, and heartfelt message about the power of love and redemption, the film offers an entertaining and uplifting experience for audiences of all ages.