The climax of the film takes place in the Land of the Lost, a parallel universe inhabited by dinosaurs and other strange creatures. Dr. Rick Marshall, Holly Cantrell, and Will Stanton, along with their primate friend Chaka, are determined to find a way back to their own world after being stranded in this bizarre dimension.
As they navigate through the dangerous terrain of the Land of the Lost, they encounter numerous obstacles and face off against the villainous alien race known as the Sleestak. Along the way, they also encounter the enigmatic figure known as Enik, who possesses knowledge of the mysterious crystals that can create portals between dimensions.
In the climax, Dr. Marshall and his companions confront the Sleestak and manage to acquire the crystals needed to create a portal back to Earth. However, they must also contend with the treacherous Dr. Anna Lee, who seeks to exploit the power of the crystals for her own gain.
Amidst the chaos, Dr. Marshall makes a selfless decision to stay behind in the Land of the Lost in order to ensure that his friends can return home safely. With the help of Chaka and the crystals, Holly and Will are able to open a portal back to Earth, leaving Dr. Marshall behind.
The film ends with Holly and Will returning to their world, where they are greeted by a crowd of onlookers and news reporters. Despite the challenges they faced in the Land of the Lost, they are grateful for the experience and fondly remember their adventures with Dr. Marshall and Chaka.