In the climax of the movie, Po (voiced by Jack Black) faces off against the powerful villain Kai (voiced by J.K. Simmons), a supernatural warrior who has defeated and absorbed the powers of other kung fu masters. Po learns that he can defeat Kai by using the power of chi, an inner energy force that he discovers within himself.
The film builds up to an epic battle between Po and Kai, with Po embracing his role as the Dragon Warrior. With the support of his friends, the Furious Five, and the other masters, Po engages Kai in a battle that combines martial arts and the use of chi.
In the resolution, Po successfully uses the power of chi to defeat Kai and save the Valley of Peace. Kai is vanquished, and peace is restored. Po’s biological father, Li Shan (voiced by Bryan Cranston), expresses his pride in Po’s abilities and growth.
The film ends with a celebration, where Po reunites with his adoptive father, Mr. Ping (voiced by James Hong), and embraces both his panda and kung fu identities. The characters celebrate their victory, unity, and the teachings of kung fu.
In summary, “Kung Fu Panda 3” concludes with Po embracing his role as the Dragon Warrior, defeating the villain Kai, and uniting his two families—the pandas and the kung fu masters. The film reinforces themes of self-discovery, inner strength, and the importance of unity in the face of challenges.