The movie follows the story of Phil Weston (played by Will Ferrell), a mild-mannered vitamin store owner who has always felt overshadowed by his competitive father, Buck (played by Robert Duvall), a successful and domineering soccer coach.
When Phil’s son, Sam (played by Dylan McLaughlin), decides to join a soccer team coached by his grandfather Buck, Phil sees an opportunity to bond with his son and prove himself as a coach. However, Phil’s lack of experience and confidence make him an unlikely candidate for the job.
With the help of his quirky assistant coach, Mike Ditka (played by himself), Phil takes on the challenge of coaching the Tigers, a team of misfit players who have never won a game. He faces opposition from Buck, who is determined to lead his own team, the Gladiators, to victory.
As the season progresses, Phil struggles to instill discipline and teamwork in his unruly players, who are more interested in snacks and video games than soccer. Despite their lack of talent and motivation, Phil refuses to give up on his team and pushes them to reach their full potential.
In the climax of the film, the Tigers face off against the Gladiators in the championship game. With the odds stacked against them, Phil and his team must overcome their differences and work together to win the game.
In a dramatic turn of events, Phil’s son Sam scores the winning goal for the Tigers, securing their first-ever victory and earning the respect of his father. Phil realizes that winning isn’t everything and that the most important thing is the bond he shares with his son and the joy of playing the game.
The film concludes with Phil and Buck reconciling their differences and embracing each other’s unique coaching styles. Phil learns to let go of his insecurities and embrace his own identity as a coach, while Buck realizes the importance of supporting his son and grandson.
Overall, “Kicking & Screaming” is a heartwarming and hilarious sports comedy that celebrates the power of teamwork, determination, and family. With its quirky characters, witty humor, and uplifting message, it offers an enjoyable movie experience for audiences of all ages.