The film begins with Joe Dirt (played by David Spade) recounting his life story to a radio DJ, who initially mocks him but becomes intrigued by his tale. Joe, whose real name is Joe Dirt, was abandoned by his parents at the Grand Canyon when he was eight years old and has been searching for them ever since.
Joe works as a janitor at a local radio station in Louisiana and lives in a trailer with his loyal dog Charlie. Despite his rough upbringing and unfortunate appearance, Joe maintains an optimistic and upbeat attitude, believing that his parents will one day return for him.
One day, Joe is offered the opportunity to share his story on a live radio broadcast, where he recounts his numerous adventures and encounters with colorful characters. Along the way, he crosses paths with a variety of eccentric individuals, including a Cajun fireworks salesman, a cannibalistic alligator farmer, and a seductive carny.
As Joe’s story gains popularity, he attracts the attention of the media and becomes a local celebrity, with people flocking to hear his tales of survival and resilience. However, Joe’s newfound fame also brings him unwanted attention from his old high school bullies and a mysterious man who claims to know the truth about his parents.
Determined to uncover the truth about his past, Joe embarks on a cross-country journey to find his parents, with the help of his newfound friends and allies. Along the way, he encounters numerous obstacles and setbacks, including run-ins with the law and encounters with bizarre and outrageous characters.
In a climactic and heartwarming finale, Joe finally reunites with his parents at the Grand Canyon, only to discover that they are not the loving family he imagined them to be. Despite this revelation, Joe realizes that he has found a new family in the friends who have stood by him throughout his journey.
“Joe Dirt” is a hilarious and heartfelt comedy that celebrates the power of perseverance and the importance of friendship and acceptance. Through its lovable protagonist and outrageous humor, the film delivers a message of hope and resilience that resonates with audiences of all ages.