The film follows the story of Anthony “Tony” Cortino (played by Jay Mohr), who grows up in a mafia family and eventually becomes a powerful mob boss. However, Tony decides to leave the mafia life behind and pursue a more respectable career as a chef.
When Tony’s father, Vincenzo Cortino (played by Lloyd Bridges), is killed in a pasta-related accident, Tony is reluctantly drawn back into the world of organized crime. He must navigate a web of rival mobsters, corrupt politicians, and wacky family members to uncover the truth behind his father’s death and take control of the family business.
Along the way, Tony encounters various characters inspired by Jane Austen novels, including Diane “The Dish” Steen (played by Christina Applegate), a beautiful woman caught in the middle of the mafia feud, and Pepper Gianini (played by Billy Burke), Tony’s loyal friend and confidant.
As Tony delves deeper into the criminal underworld, he discovers that his father’s death was not accidental but rather part of a larger conspiracy involving a rival mob boss, Don “Vincenzo” Cortino (played by Lloyd Bridges in a dual role), who seeks to take over the Cortino family business.
In a climactic showdown, Tony confronts Don Cortino and exposes his treachery, leading to a chaotic and comedic showdown that culminates in Don Cortino’s defeat and Tony’s triumph as the new head of the Cortino crime family.
“Jane Austen’s Mafia!” is praised for its clever parody of mafia movies and Jane Austen novels, as well as its hilarious performances from the cast. With its over-the-top humor and outrageous plot twists, the film offers a fresh and entertaining take on the classic mobster genre.