The story takes place five years after the events of the first film on the island of Berk, where dragons and Vikings live harmoniously. Hiccup (voiced by Jay Baruchel) has grown older and is now exploring new territories on the back of his dragon, Toothless. During one of his adventures, Hiccup discovers a group of dragon trappers led by the mysterious Dragon Rider.
This Dragon Rider turns out to be Hiccup’s long-lost mother, Valka (voiced by Cate Blanchett), who has been living among dragons. Valka and Hiccup reunite, and she explains that she has been rescuing dragons from trappers who work for the villainous Drago Bludvist (voiced by Djimon Hounsou). Drago has a plan to build a dragon army and conquer all of Berk.
Hiccup and his friends, along with Valka, must now unite to stop Drago’s plans. The film explores themes of family, identity, and the relationship between humans and dragons. As the group faces various challenges, including intense aerial battles, they learn more about the mysterious Alpha dragon that controls other dragons.
In the climax, Hiccup confronts Drago in an attempt to reason with him and prevent a war. However, Drago, influenced by the power of the Alpha dragon, remains ruthless. A massive battle ensues between the dragons controlled by Drago and the dragons of Berk, leading to significant losses and emotional moments.
Ultimately, Hiccup discovers that Toothless has the ability to challenge the Alpha dragon, and the two engage in a spectacular showdown. In a powerful moment, Toothless overcomes the Alpha’s control, and the dragons are freed.
The film concludes with Berk rebuilding and embracing a new era of peace between humans and dragons. Hiccup becomes the new chief, and the dragons are welcomed as integral members of the community.
“How to Train Your Dragon 2” received critical acclaim for its animation, storytelling, and emotional depth. It successfully continued the story of Hiccup and Toothless, setting the stage for the third and final installment in the trilogy.