The film follows Nobby Butcher (Sacha Baron Cohen), a well-meaning but dimwitted English football hooligan who reunites with his long-lost brother Sebastian Graves (Mark Strong), a highly skilled MI6 operative.
In the climax of the movie, Nobby and Sebastian join forces to thwart a global terrorist plot. They discover that an organization plans to unleash a deadly virus during a football match, and they race against time to prevent the catastrophe.
During the chaotic final sequence at a football stadium, Nobby and Sebastian confront the villains and try to disarm the virus. The situation becomes increasingly absurd and over-the-top, blending action with comedic elements characteristic of Sacha Baron Cohen’s style.
In the resolution, Nobby and Sebastian successfully stop the terrorists and prevent the virus from being released. The film ends with a celebration of their victory, and the brothers reconcile and bond over their shared experiences.
The concluding scenes feature a comedic twist involving an elephant and a humorous callback to an earlier joke in the film. “Grimsby” closes with a mix of action, comedy, and absurdity, showcasing the film’s irreverent and outrageous sense of humor.
In summary, “Grimsby” concludes with the successful prevention of a terrorist plot, the reconciliation of the brothers, and a humorous ending that encapsulates the film’s comedic tone. The movie combines action and satire in its portrayal of the unlikely heroes’ adventures.