The film follows two teenage boys, Dexter Reed (played by Kenan Thompson) and Ed (played by Kel Mitchell), who work at a fast-food restaurant called Good Burger. Dexter is a high school student who crashes his mom’s car into the car of his teacher Mr. Wheat (played by Sinbad), and needs to get a summer job to pay for the damages. Ed is an eccentric and clumsy employee at Good Burger who is known for his signature sauce.
The plot kicks off when a new fast-food chain, Mondo Burger, opens across the street from Good Burger. Mondo Burger is run by the ruthless Kurt Bozwell (played by Jan Schweiterman), who is determined to put Good Burger out of business by any means necessary. Mondo Burger’s burgers are much bigger than Good Burger’s, and they use an illegal chemical called Triampathol to make them.
Dexter becomes determined to save Good Burger from bankruptcy and teams up with Ed to come up with a plan. They discover that Ed’s secret sauce is the key to Good Burger’s success, and they decide to enter a sauce competition to win the prize money and save the restaurant.
As Dexter and Ed navigate their way through various misadventures and obstacles, including a hilarious driving test scene and a disastrous date with Monique (played by Shar Jackson), Dexter’s crush, they eventually end up at the sauce competition. Despite Kurt’s attempts to sabotage them, Dexter and Ed manage to win the competition with Ed’s secret sauce, saving Good Burger from closure.
In the end, Dexter and Ed’s friendship is stronger than ever, and they celebrate their victory with their friends at Good Burger. Kurt is arrested for his illegal activities, and Good Burger becomes more popular than ever thanks to their award-winning sauce.
“Good Burger” is praised for its slapstick humor, quirky characters, and memorable catchphrases. It’s a lighthearted and entertaining comedy that appeals to both kids and adults, and it has since become a cult classic beloved by fans of ’90s nostalgia.