The film follows Chili Palmer (played by John Travolta), a Miami-based loan shark and mobster who becomes tired of his criminal lifestyle and decides to pursue a career in the movie business. When a debtor named Leo Devoe (played by David Paymer) skips town, Chili travels to Hollywood to track him down and collect the debt.
In Hollywood, Chili meets Harry Zimm (played by Gene Hackman), a down-on-his-luck film producer who owes money to a notorious mobster named Bo Catlett (played by Delroy Lindo). Chili sees an opportunity to use his criminal skills to navigate the cutthroat world of Hollywood and make a profit.
As Chili becomes involved in the movie industry, he encounters various colorful characters, including actress Karen Flores (played by Rene Russo), actor Martin Weir (played by Danny DeVito), and studio executive Ray “Bones” Barboni (played by Dennis Farina). Along the way, Chili uses his street smarts and intimidation tactics to outmaneuver rival producers, negotiate deals, and deal with the occasional threat from the criminal underworld.
As Chili’s Hollywood career takes off, he finds himself embroiled in a web of intrigue, double-crosses, and danger. Despite the challenges he faces, Chili remains determined to succeed in the movie business and prove himself as a legitimate producer.
“Get Shorty” received critical acclaim upon its release, with praise for its sharp writing, stylish direction, and stellar ensemble cast. John Travolta’s charismatic performance as Chili Palmer earned him widespread acclaim and revitalized his career. The film was also a commercial success, spawning a sequel and a television series adaptation. It is considered one of the standout films of the 1990s and a classic of the crime-comedy genre.