The movie follows Father Merrin (played by Stellan Skarsgård), a troubled Catholic priest who is haunted by his experiences during World War II and struggling with his faith. Merrin is approached by a representative of the Vatican, who asks him to travel to Kenya to investigate an archaeological dig where a mysterious artifact has been unearthed.
Upon arriving at the dig site, Merrin discovers that the artifact is a Byzantine church buried beneath the sand for centuries. As he explores the ruins, strange and disturbing occurrences begin to take place, including sightings of demonic figures and inexplicable deaths among the workers.
Merrin learns that the church was built on the site of an ancient pagan temple dedicated to the demon Pazuzu, and that the artifact may hold the key to unlocking its dark powers. He is joined by a team of archaeologists, including Sarah Novak (played by Izabella Scorupco), who is skeptical of Merrin’s beliefs but drawn to him nonetheless.
As Merrin delves deeper into the mysteries of the church, he comes face to face with the demon Pazuzu, who has possessed a young boy named Joseph (played by Remy Sweeney). Merrin realizes that he must confront his own inner demons and rediscover his faith in order to save Joseph’s soul and prevent the demon from unleashing its evil upon the world.
In the climax of the film, Merrin performs an exorcism on Joseph, battling Pazuzu for control of the boy’s soul. With the help of Sarah and the remaining members of the expedition, Merrin is able to banish the demon back to the depths of hell and restore peace to the dig site.
The film ends with Merrin returning to the Vatican, where he reflects on the horrors he witnessed and the sacrifices that were made in the name of faith. Despite his doubts and struggles, Merrin finds solace in the knowledge that good ultimately triumphed over evil, and that he was able to fulfill his duty as a servant of God.
Overall, “Exorcist: The Beginning” is a chilling and atmospheric horror film that explores themes of faith, redemption, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. With its eerie setting, intense performances, and spine-tingling scares, it offers a gripping and unsettling cinematic experience for fans of the genre.