In “Elvis” (2022), directed by Baz Luhrmann, the film’s ending provides a poignant conclusion to the biographical drama that explores the life and career of the legendary musician Elvis Presley, portrayed by Austin Butler. The film delves into Elvis’s complex relationship with his enigmatic manager, Colonel Tom Parker, played by Tom Hanks, and charts the highs and lows of Elvis’s fame and personal life.
The ending of the film focuses on the later years of Elvis’s life, particularly his Las Vegas era, where he performed a series of concerts at the International Hotel. Despite his deteriorating health, exacerbated by his drug addiction and the physical demands of his performances, Elvis continues to perform for his fans. The film portrays his final concert, capturing his passion for music and his connection with the audience, despite the challenges he faced (IMDb).
As the film concludes, it reflects on the impact of Elvis’s legacy and the cultural phenomenon he represented. It showcases the tragic aspects of his life, including his declining health and his exploitation at the hands of Colonel Parker. The film ends with Elvis’s death in 1977 at the age of 42, highlighting the loss felt by the world over the passing of the King of Rock and Roll. The narrative is interspersed with actual footage and photographs of Elvis, adding a layer of authenticity and homage to the icon’s enduring influence on music and popular culture (Wikipedia).
“Elvis” is not just a retelling of Presley’s life but also a commentary on the nature of fame, the music industry, and the personal costs that often come with great success. The ending serves as a tribute to Elvis Presley’s extraordinary talent and the timeless legacy he left behind.