The story revolves around the resurrection of Frieza (F), one of the most powerful and iconic villains in the Dragon Ball series. Sorbet and Tagoma, two members of Frieza’s army, use the Dragon Balls to resurrect their fallen leader. Frieza is brought back to life with cybernetic enhancements, making him stronger than ever.
Upon his return, Frieza seeks revenge against Goku for his previous defeat on Planet Namek. Frieza and his army launch an attack on Earth, leading to a confrontation with the Z Fighters, including Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, and others.
In the climax, Frieza undergoes a new transformation called “Golden Frieza,” reaching a level of power previously unseen. The Z Fighters struggle against Frieza’s overwhelming strength, leading to intense battles and high-stakes moments.
Ultimately, Goku and Vegeta prove to be formidable opponents, with both of them achieving the Super Saiyan Blue (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan) form. The Z Fighters successfully defeat Frieza, and the Earth is saved from his destructive intentions.
The film ends with the Z Fighters reflecting on the battle and the ongoing challenges they face in the ever-expanding Dragon Ball universe.
“Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F'” is known for its action-packed sequences, powerful transformations, and the return of the iconic character Frieza to the Dragon Ball storyline.