The movie follows Deadpool/Wade Wilson as he forms a team called X-Force to protect a young mutant named Russell Collins/Firefist (played by Julian Dennison) from Cable (played by Josh Brolin), a time-traveling soldier seeking to prevent a dark future caused by Russell.
In the climax, Deadpool and his team, including Domino (played by Zazie Beetz) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (played by Brianna Hildebrand), engage in a confrontation with Cable and his plans to stop Russell from turning into a villain.
During the fight, Deadpool has a change of heart and decides to sacrifice himself to save Russell. He puts on a collar that inhibits his healing powers, allowing him to be fatally shot multiple times while trying to talk sense into Russell. The self-sacrifice move surprises both Cable and Russell.
As Deadpool lies dying, Russell is moved by his actions, and it triggers the manifestation of his mutant powers in a less destructive manner. Just when it seems Deadpool is about to die, Cable uses his time-travel device to go back in time a few minutes, placing a lead coin in Deadpool’s chest pocket, preventing the fatal shots.
The film ends with Cable deciding to use the last charge of his time-travel device to prevent the tragic events in his own future by saving his family. He leaves Deadpool with the device, and as a gesture of friendship, Deadpool returns to the past to rectify some events.
In a post-credits scene, Deadpool uses Cable’s time-travel device to revisit past timelines. He first goes back to the events of “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” where he kills the version of Deadpool portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in that film. He then revisits the past to save Vanessa (played by Morena Baccarin) and Peter (played by Rob Delaney), two characters who met unfortunate fates in the movie.
“Deadpool 2” combines action, humor, and emotional moments, and the ending reinforces the themes of redemption and sacrifice while maintaining the irreverent and self-aware tone characteristic of the Deadpool character.