The movie follows the story of Ellie Myers (played by Christina Ricci) and her brother Jimmy (played by Jesse Eisenberg), who are involved in a car accident caused by a mysterious creature. They survive the accident but soon begin to experience strange and supernatural occurrences.
As Ellie and Jimmy investigate the origins of the creature, they discover that they have been cursed by a werewolf and are now transforming into creatures of the night themselves. They must find a way to break the curse before it’s too late and they succumb to their animalistic urges.
In the climax of the film, Ellie and Jimmy confront the werewolf responsible for their curse and engage in a final showdown to save themselves and break the curse. With the help of their friends Bo (played by Milo Ventimiglia) and Jake (played by Joshua Jackson), they manage to defeat the werewolf and break free from its control.
However, the victory comes at a cost, as Ellie and Jimmy realize that they will never be the same again. They must come to terms with their new identities as werewolves and find a way to live with their curse while protecting those they love from harm.
The film concludes with Ellie and Jimmy embracing their new powers and vowing to use them for good, as they continue their fight against supernatural evil. Despite the challenges they face, they find strength in each other and the bonds of family and friendship that unite them.
Overall, “Cursed” is a fun and entertaining horror-comedy that combines elements of humor, suspense, and supernatural thrills. With its clever twists, memorable characters, and inventive storyline, it offers an enjoyable movie experience for fans of the genre.